Royal Papworth Hospital Transfer Service | Last update 15th April 2021

Royal Papworth Hospital Transfer Service
RPH Transfer Service operates from 10:00 to 22:00 (base to base) 7/7.
It can be used by any ICU in the EoE for the transfer of ventilated critically ill patients requiring a medical transfer team. It is not an emergency service.
This referral platform must be used after discussion with Royal Papworth ICU sister and agreement that RPH Transfer team are available to transfer your patient.
The Royal Papworth ICU sister can be contacted 24/7 on 07775 676332.
Click here or the link below to begin your referral.
Notes about completing a referapatient referral:
referapatient® works best when you use a modern browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Please ensure you provide direct contact details where possible for patient location and destination.
Patients details must be entered and useful information added to the free text form.
You may also upload the EoE transfer form or a clinical summary if available – this can be done after initial information has been entered but is not mandatory.
If you have entered the form and have not had a response after a reasonable amount of time, then please call either the ICU sister on 07775 676332 or the Transfer Nurse on 07385 348683.
If you feel that you need to discuss the referral in detail via a telephone conversation, then please feel free to call the transfer nurse on 07385 348683.
After completing a referapatient referral:
·You should receive the following as your referral is processed:
An SMS alert “Referral received!
A Referral Receipt
Details to log in and track your referral
In addition if your referral is an emergency or urgent referral you will receive additional SMS and voice alerts:
“The specialist is now reviewing your referral. Handover your referral at to stop SMS alerts.”
“Response received to your specialty referral. Please check your inbox or log in. Handover your referral to stop SMS alerts.”
To hand over your referral and stop getting SMS or voice alerts when you go off-shift click here
To instant message (IM) the specialist with updates log in or click here
Phone numbers:
Papworth Switchboard: 01223 638000
ICU sister (24/7): 07775 676332
Transfer Nurse (10:00 to 22:00): 07385 348683