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North Bristol NHS Trust | South West Maternal Medicine Network | Updated 29th Sept 2022

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This referral pathway should be used if you wish to make a referral to the South West Maternal Medicine Network.

This service is only for patients that meet network criteria as stated on the South West Maternal Medicine Network pathways. Please read the relevant pathway guidance below.

This is NOT an emergency referral system. If your referral is an emergency, contact your local on call obstetrician and specialist for immediate advice. Please then refer the patient via this system to ensure follow up and relevant multi-disciplinary planning.

Please include as much relevant clinical information as possible including recent investigations and results. Please attach relevant images and letters. The network team will receive and action your referral within 2 working days.

To make a referral you will require the following:
1) Your patient's details including 10-digit NHS number
2) A Trust or email address
3) The referring consultant’s Trust or email address

referapatient® works best when you use a modern browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

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